Friday, May 20, 2011

Effort, EFFort, EFFORT.

Well, my exam is officially over! :)

but actually it's just a beginning..

LOL! there are longer distance for me to R.E.S.T
so, i think my restless life had started huh? :(

Ye, people might think that i studied CRAZILY
there keep asking me to STOP reading at the 20 minutes before the exam starts.
But i just CANT stop.

If you don't have a dream, what for do you still living in this earth?
There's nothing worthy for you to pay your effort to reach out, so why are you here?

You will only pay your effort if and only if that's really a part of your life.
So do study, for me.
I am a student so study gotta be a part of mine no matter i like it OR not.

Everyone life in this world for their own reason.

And for me, there's only a reason for me to do what i am doing or i will be doing soon..

It's all about You, Jesus :)

"I just study for You." this is my swear.

I can't make things done without the presence of You.

Once you decided to do, do it to the BEST!
or not, just don't do.